September 6-7, 2025

Agate Beach - Oregon

Contest Starts at 8am on Saturday!

Agate Beach Surf Classic 2025 Contest is Back!

Newport Parks & Recreation is excited to announce the annual Agate Beach Surf Classic presented by Ossies Surf Shop, Ninkasi Brewing Company, and the Newport Chamber of Commerce! Local volunteers working alongside City staff are bringing you this amazing event. This is a two-day competition held at Agate Beach with surfing divisions for adults and youth.

Proceeds from the contest go towards the youth scholarship fund at the Newport Recreation Center. This funding allows children from Lincoln County economically disadvantaged households the opportunity to participate in a number of fantastic programs.

Online Registration is $65 and Day Before Registration is $75.

  • Tuesday, September 2: Online pre-registration deadline @ midnight
  • Friday, September 5: Surf heats will be uploaded to the contest webpage and social media pages
  • Friday, September 5: Packet Pickup, 5pm-7pm @ Ossies Surf Shop
  • Saturday, September 6: Surf Contest, 8am-4pm @ Agate Beach
  • Saturday Evening, September 6: Contest Party @ Ossies Surf Shop
  • Sunday, September 7: Contest Finals and Awards Ceremony, 8am-4pm @ Agate Beach


Divisions Surfers can use longboards or shortboards. No boogie boards. SUPs limited to their own category.

12 & Under Youth With Parent
12 & Under Youth Without Parent
Stand Up Paddleboard (non-age, non-gender)
13-19 Women Longboard
20-39 Women Longboard
40+ Women Longboard
Women Open Shortboard
Pro/Am Men Shortboard
13-19 Junior Men Long or Shortboard
20-49 Men Longboard
50+ Men Longboard
50+ Men Shortboard


Swell (Subtract feet to account for swell direction)

1-8 ft = No Worries

8-12 ft = Rescue Waverunner on Beach

13+ ft = Contest Cancelled

Wind (Subtract knots to account for wind direction)

0-30 kts = No Worries

30+ kts = Contest Cancelled

Volunteer Behind every successful event there are teams of volunteers who make it happen!

We are trying to recruit as many volunteers as possible to help out with the contest and we need you! Volunteers are needed to assist with contest set-up, parking, registration, party set-up, and contest tear-down. Volunteers must be 18 years old or older. We will do our best to place you in an area you have requested! Volunteers who sign up will be given an official event T-shirt. Thanks in advance – we can’t do it without you!

Contact Us

Contest Price List Sign up early and save!

Day-of-Event Price


Spend more
Contest could be full, space is limited
Probably should just register online
*A limited number of Day-Of spots may be available

Event Sponsors Thank you for all the support!

Presenting Sponsors

Supporting Sponsors

Become a sponsor

Event FAQS Find Your Answers

What time do festivities begin?

Times to know?

  • Tuesday, September 2: Online pre-registration closes
  • Friday, September 5: Surf heats will be uploaded to the contest website and Facebook page
  • Friday, September 5: Packet Pickup, 5pm-7pm @ Ossies Surf Shop
  • Saturday, September 6: Surf Contest, 8am-4pm @ Agate Beach
  • Saturday Evening, September 6: Contest Party, 6pm-9pm @ Ossies Surf Shop
  • Sunday, September 7: Contest Finals and Awards Ceremony, 8am-4pm @ Agate Beach

What are the prizes?

Division Prizes:

The top two finishers in each division will get a cash award. $100 for 1st place and $50 for 2nd place.

  • Youth 12 & Under: 1st-3rd get trophies and gear. All other youth get medals
  • Stand Up Paddleboard (non-gender, non-age): 1st & 2nd get trophies, cash & gear. 3rd gets trophy & gear.
  • Junior Women 13-19: 1st & 2nd get trophies, cash & gear. 3rd gets trophy & gear.
  • Junior Men 13-19: 1st & 2nd get trophies, cash & gear. 3rd gets trophy & gear.
  • Women 20+ and Women Open: 1st & 2nd get trophies, cash & gear. 3rd gets trophy & gear.
  • Men 20-49: 1st & 2nd get trophies, cash & gear. 3rd gets trophy & gear.
  • Men 50+: 1st & 2nd get trophies, cash & gear. 3rd gets trophy & gear.


What are the formal rules?

Contest Format/Rules

Judging – Surfers will be scored on a point system ranging from 1-10. The surfer’s top two highest scoring wave scores per heat will be counted toward placing.


Judges analyze the following elements when scoring waves:

  • Commitment and degree of difficulty
  • Innovative and progressive maneuvers
  • Combination of major maneuvers
  • Variety of maneuvers
  • Speed, power and flow

Judging Scale

  • 0-1.9        Poor
  • 2.0-3.9     Fair
  • 4.0-5.9   Average
  • 6.0-7.9     Good
  • 8.0-10.0   Excellent

Special Note – It is important to remember that the emphasis of certain elements is contingent upon the location and the conditions on the day, as well as changes of conditions during the day. The scale can be adjusted during the day to reflect changing conditions.

Heats/Horns/Flags – Each preliminary heat will be fifteen minutes in duration. Finals will be twenty minutes.

Surfers should check in with the beach captain and get their jerseys fifteen minutes before their heats begin. A single horn blast and a green flag signals the beginning of the heat. A yellow flag will be raised, with NO horn blasts, when 5-minutes are left in a heat. A Double horn blast with a red flag signals the end of a heat.

At the five minute remaining warning, the next heat will begin to paddle out. After a surfer’s heat ends, he/she must not stand up on a wave. The surfer must ride to the beach in the prone position (belly ride in) and should immediately report back to the beach captain to return his/her jersey.

Board Length – Surfers may ride a 8’9″ board or smaller for shortboard divisions. 9’0″ boards or above are considered longboards.

Are there weather cancellations?


  • 1-8 ft = No Worries
  • 8-12 ft = Rescue Waverunner on Beach
  • 13+ ft = Contest Cancelled


  • 0-30 kts = No Worries
  • 30+ kts = Contest Cancelled

Event Location

Agate Beach
5111 N Coast Hwy
Newport, OR 97365

Contact Us Do you have a question for us? Go ahead and send us a message!

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