Contest Format/Rules
Judging – Surfers will be scored on a point system ranging from 1-10. The surfer’s top two highest scoring wave scores per heat will be counted toward placing.
Judges analyze the following elements when scoring waves:
- Commitment and degree of difficulty
- Innovative and progressive maneuvers
- Combination of major maneuvers
- Variety of maneuvers
- Speed, power and flow
Judging Scale
- 0-1.9 Poor
- 2.0-3.9 Fair
- 4.0-5.9 Average
- 6.0-7.9 Good
- 8.0-10.0 Excellent
Special Note – It is important to remember that the emphasis of certain elements is contingent upon the location and the conditions on the day, as well as changes of conditions during the day. The scale can be adjusted during the day to reflect changing conditions.
Heats/Horns/Flags – Each preliminary heat will be fifteen minutes in duration. Finals will be twenty minutes.
Surfers should check in with the beach captain and get their jerseys fifteen minutes before their heats begin. A single horn blast and a green flag signals the beginning of the heat. A yellow flag will be raised, with NO horn blasts, when 5-minutes are left in a heat. A Double horn blast with a red flag signals the end of a heat.
At the five minute remaining warning, the next heat will begin to paddle out. After a surfer’s heat ends, he/she must not stand up on a wave. The surfer must ride to the beach in the prone position (belly ride in) and should immediately report back to the beach captain to return his/her jersey.
Board Length – Surfers may ride a 8’9″ board or smaller for shortboard divisions. 9’0″ boards or above are considered longboards.